3921 Steck Ave a121, Austin, TX 78759 ● 4512 S Pleasent Valley Rd., Austin, TX 78744
CALL: (512) 328-0555 ● FAX: (512) 340-0009 ● TEXT: (512) 666-3129

More Resources
Low Vision Support Group
Engage with a community of individuals who understand your journey, offering a space for emotional support, valuable education, and uplifting encouragement. The Low Vision Support Group meets every month on Zoom. Email reginalvot@gmail.com to register for the support group, and we’ll send you the link to join the meetings.
Guide Dog Resources
Guide dogs provide invaluable assistance to individuals who are blind or visually impaired, offering both navigation support through crowded spaces and obstacles, as well as emotional companionship that enhances overall quality of life. These specially trained dogs help their handlers gain independence, ensuring safer mobility in everyday situations. However, owning a guide dog requires a significant commitment in terms of time, care, training, and financial resources. Before deciding to get a guide dog, it’s important to assess whether you are prepared to meet the demands of caring for a dog while also benefiting from its support.
Here is a list of Guide Dog Schools in the United States: Guide Dog Schools in the USA
Non-emergency Medical Transportation
We recommend SendaRide for non-emergency medical transportation services. SendaRide is a customized concierge door-to-door non-emergency medical transportation service. Learn more about SendaRide!
Senior Access offers no-cost transportation and support services designed to improve the independence and well-being of seniors. Many older adults face challenges in maintaining their independence due to a lack of reliable transportation, difficulty with household tasks, or limited access to essential services. Senior Access bridges this gap by connecting volunteer drivers with seniors in need of reliable transportation. Serving Round Rock, Hutto, Manor, and East Austin, Senior Access ensures seniors have the support they need to stay active and connected in their community.
Faith in Action Georgetown provides a range of programs tailored to support the senior community. Their full-time ride scheduling and coordination services ensure seniors can easily access transportation for various needs. The Go-Van-Go program offers group trips for grocery shopping and social outings, providing transportation on a 14-passenger van. Additionally, their Buddy Program connects volunteers with seniors for social check-ins, online grocery assistance, and curbside pick-up and delivery, enhancing the independence and well-being of older adults in the Georgetown area.