Understanding Low Vision: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments

Understanding Low Vision: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments

Have you ever struggled to read small print, even with your glasses on, or found it hard to recognize faces from across the room? For many people, vision issues can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery. But for those with low vision, it’s more...
Helpful Tips For Living With Low Vision

Helpful Tips For Living With Low Vision

It can be challenging for visually impaired people to carry out daily activities such as shopping, cooking, and even watching TV. The challenges extend into their ability to work as expected, maintain relationships with friends and family, and comfortably participate...
Is It Safe to Drive If You Have Low Vision?

Is It Safe to Drive If You Have Low Vision?

One of the understandable questions that people often ask when they find out if they have low vision is whether they can still drive. This is a good question to ask, and it’s one that you should be considered when you find out that you have a vision impairment. If you...